Man sentenced for paying poor Filipino moms for child porn

SIDNEY, Ohio (AP) – A registered sex offender from Ohio has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for using dating sites to connect with impoverished women in the Philippines and pay them for sexually explicit photos of their children.

Charles Lee Frazier, 42, of Sidney, had pleaded guilty in March to attempting to produce child pornography, according to the U.S.Attorney´s Office for the Southern District of Ohio. He was sentenced Friday.

Prosecutors said Frazier communicated with the women online and asked them for the photos. He also sent them child porn images and discussed committing violent acts against children, including killing infants during sexual assaults.

Frazier sent money to women in the Philippines from April through July 2019, prosecutors said.Among them was a mother who said she needed the money for food.

Frazier had been convicted in 2011 for receiving child free porn movies and was required to register as a sex offender.

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